Unique tokes for unique folks. Just as no two human beings are identical, no two cannabis experiences should be either. From our individual biological makeup to personal preferences, a multitude of factors explain why our bodies demand personalized cannabis doses. Like alcohol tolerance, cannabis tolerance fluctuates on an individual basis as well. What leaves one person blissfully relaxed might leave another feeling anxious and overwhelmed. By understanding yourself and the array of available cannabis products, you can begin to tailor your ideal dose and journey towards your perfect high.

Big Bodies, Bigger Doses?

At first glance, physical stature seems it could provide clues about consumption capacity. Just think about taller people, who require more food to power their larger frames and muscle mass. There are a few reasons taller people need more calories:

  1. Bigger bodies need more energy to fuel more cells and tissues. Taller people’s larger frames and extra muscle mass take more calories to power.
  2. Taller people burn calories faster just living due to faster basal metabolic rates (BMR). BMR is the minimum energy needed for basic bodily functions.
  3. More calories are required to move and maintain taller bodies. Everyday activities like walking take more energy for taller people since they move heavier weights over greater distances with their longer limbs.

Following that logic, some big and hearty cannabis lovers would seem inherently capable of heroic inhalations. However, size doesn’t always directly correlate with or predict cannabis tolerance or preference.

Size Doesn’t Matter

While physical size can potentially impact cannabis dosage needs, there’s much more to the equation. Our unique biological systems also cause significant variation in how we each react to cannabis and its myriad compounds. Some people metabolize cannabinoids faster than others, meaning they need higher or more frequent doses to maintain the desired effects.

Frequent consumers will gradually build up tolerance over time as well. They’ll need steadily more product to achieve the same results or require the occasional tolerance break to continue enjoying cannabis’ benefits.

It’s not unlike the difference between social drinkers enjoying the casual cocktail versus seasoned barflies who rely on liquor to function. The point is, not everyone relates to, consumes or handles cannabis in the same way, at the same frequency or with the same intensity.

Budtender Bias

Despite their depth of cannabis-related expertise, budtenders’ personal preferences and tolerance levels don’t always precisely match up with yours or mine. There are plenty of petite budtenders out there who handle cannabis products on a daily basis due to their jobs. They’ve built up sky-high tolerances that far exceed what a casual consumer could handle.

In seeking strong effects to match their seasoned tolerance, some budtenders might dismiss or fail to mention lower-dose options that could adequately meet a rookie consumer’s needs. It’s not intentional, but similar to buying shoes, you need objective insight to get the best fit. At the end of the day, only you truly know what feels right based on your individual body and tolerance.

Dive Into Strain Details

With hundreds of cannabis strains now available, each promises slightly different benefits and effects, so it pays to explore the details. Most strains fit into one of three categories:

  • Indica – Typically delivers relaxing, sleepy effects perfect for nighttime use
  • Sativa – Tends to provide energizing, uplifting effects suited for daytime productivity
  • Hybrid – Offers a balanced blend with combined indica/sativa effects

But beyond these broad categories, individual strains have their own unique terpene profiles that ultimately create their distinctive tastes, smells and experiential effects. These aromatic terpene compounds, giving each strain its signature bag appeal, also shape the qualitative aspects of your high. Different terpenes theoretically contribute to different outcomes like relaxation, pain relief, euphoria, focus/creativity enhancement and much more. On top of that, potency and terpene profiles will vary from batch to batch given they’re grown under subtle environmental condition changes. With so many ever-evolving variables at play, practically every cannabis product offers a slightly different experience according to batch.

The Takeaway? Cannabis consumption predictably is different for everyone. Our bodies demand personalized doses. So finding your perfect dose means taking the time to map how different products uniquely affect you and you alone.

Dosing Diaries: Jane and John’s Stories

Closely tracking your own cannabis consumption experiences provides crucial personal data that can crack your special cannabis code. Consider the following stories from real-life cannabis consumers Jane and John:

Jane is a medical marijuana patient who needed to manage her chronic pain. She found that gently microdosing a specific high-CBD strain did so without causing unwanted side effects.

John is a recreational consumer who self-recognized a boost in focus and creativity with certain strains. He realized that careful microdosing gave him the perfect boost during working hours without causing over-intoxication.

Just as diet tracking apps empower users to monitor nutrients like calories or macronutrients, and fitness trackers measure positive progress by counting steps, logging details of your personal cannabis strains, methods, doses and effects systematically over time helps identify your special sweet spot.

Blenddy: Helping You with Personalized Doses

That’s where Blenddy comes in. Blenddy is designed to maximize and elevate your consumption journey towards an ideal experience. Meticulously recording your cannabis dosing and reactions session-by-session builds self-understanding about what combinations work best for your individual mind/body system. Whether your goal is relaxation, relief, creativity, focus enhancement or something else entirely, finding your perfect cannabis match ultimately means mapping your unique tolerance through tailored tracking.

For a helpful Blenddy tutorial that walks through getting started and leveraging our full tracking toolset, click [HERE].

With Blenddy by your side, you can confidently adventure onwards to identify your ideal cannabis strains and perfect microdose. Our bodies demand personalized cannabis doses. Now with smart consumption tracking technology, you can discover yours one toke at a time!